
Payments Methods

Bank Transfer

Currently we accept payments in currency:

USD| Unites States Dollar

EUR| Euro Union Euro

GBR| United Kingdom Pound

SGD| Singapore Dollar

AUD| Australian Dollar

TRY| Turkish Lira


Payment instruction

– pay by bank transfer directly from your bank account. You can do this either:

– online, through your online bankingover the phone, with your telephone banking or in person, at a bank branch.

Online just log in to your online banking, set up a normal bank transfer and add the details below.

!Remember – Set a transfer amount – exact as it showing in Shopping bag Total.

Cryptocurrency Payment

Payment instruction to make a payment in cryptocurrency.

All prices in our store are in US dollars, it will automatically converted the final price of your total purchase from the dollar to the cryptocurrency you have chosen. At the moment, we accept payments in Bitcoin, USDT (TRC20 and TON blockchains), TONcoin.

Please contact us if you need any assistance in payment processing or send us message