Six levels of being
A Dzi bead of 6 eyes helps a person to free himself from the suffering that lies in wait at 6 levels of existence. Each eye with this six-eyed Dzi corresponds to one of the levels or paths of being in which a person can be. Let’s consider these levels in more detail.
Hell. The lowest state of being. Hell can be defined as the state in which a person seeks to destroy both himself and everything that surrounds him. Rage and fury become the dominant and driving force. In this state of being, a person is completely deprived of any freedom and experiences indescribable suffering.
Hunger. In this state, a person experiences huge and irresistible desires. It can be directly a feeling of hunger when he strives a lot and eat well. And also these are conditions when a person has an insatiable need to buy clothes, accumulate wealth, strive only for pleasures and long for glory. In this state, a person is tormented by such ruthless thirst and cannot satisfy this passion.
Animalism. In this state, a person is guided only by animal instincts. Neither reason nor morality can restrain him from desires and actions.
Anger. This is the state in which a man’s ego prevails. In this state, a person despises others and strives to become higher than the rest.
Humanity or calm. In this state, a person is calm and prudent, can control his instincts and desires. He acts reasonably, seeks to live in harmony with his environment and society.
Paradise or bliss. A person can feel this state when his desire is fully realized. At that moment, he feels something similar. However, this condition passes quickly and does not last long.
6 excellence
A 6-eye Dzi bead helps its owner develop 6 paramitas (perfections). Paramita is an action that helps achieve liberation. The use of these 6 paramitas leads to enlightenment and exit from the series of reincarnations.
Dana — charity or generosity. It can manifest itself as a gift of material things, but its best manifestation is the transfer of knowledge to other people about the nature of the mind and how to achieve enlightenment.
Shila — discipline and awareness in life.
Kshanti is the ability to be patient when being insulted or suffering. Act on the basis of circumstances, but be steady and not be angry.
Virya — the ability to be hardworking on the way to your goal. At the same time, not giving in to despondency. This is a joyful journey.
Dhyana — meditation or contemplation. This is one of the main tools for working with the mind to comprehend its true, deep nature.
Prajnaparamita — wisdom. This is the ability to see the truth. This is the last perfection. Prajnaparamita is the ship that transports all thinking creatures across the ocean of Samsara to the shores of nirvana.